Plant-Based Rainbow Mac & Cheese

استخدام Muy Fresco® Plant-Based Cheddar Sauce


  • 8 oz

    Tri-colored macaroni

  • 16 oz

    Muy Fresco® Plant-Based Cheddar Sauce

  • ½ cup

    Frozen peas

  • ½ cup


  • ½ cup

    Purple cauliflower

  • ½ cup

    Panko breadcrumbs

طريقة التحضير

  1. Pre-heat oven to 400°F.

  2. Cook pasta as directed.

  3. Combine hot pasta with Muy Fresco® Plant-Based Cheddar Sauce, peas, blanched cauliflower and carrots. Mix well.

  4. Place mixture in a greased casserole, top with panko.

  5. Bake until hot and bubbly 10 -12 minutes.

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